Erica Stretton takes on Kete editorship long-term

We’re delighted that Erica Stretton who originally took on the Kete editorship on an interim basis has now accepted the Kete Editor role long-term. 

A writer, reviewer, editor and Board Co-Chair of takahē magazine Erica joined Kete at a critical moment as we worked to relaunch the site. She’s responsible for the excellent feature and engaging review content you’ll find on the site currently and we’re excited to see more of her creativity in the role next year too. 

Take a look at the selection of Kete reviewers’ favourite books from 2024 as well as reviewers’ holiday reading picks and keep an eye on RNZ for Erica’s own book selection for the summer. 

For review or feature queries, contact Erica via


New Voices of Aotearoa — launching next year!


A strategic plan for Aotearoa’s Book Sector